
NonSurgical Weight Loss

nonsurgical weight loss

NonSurgical Weight Loss services offered in Thousand Oaks and Greater Los Angeles area.

Whereas bariatric surgery remains as the most effective and durable treatment for obesity, it may not be the best option for all patients. For a very small minority, certain medical issues may constitute prohibitive risks in nonemergency cases. For others, medical optimization prior to surgery may necessitate a certain degree of pre-emptive weight loss. Insurance coverage for surgery can be a hurdle for some patients. And for others, they might not feel ready to embark yet on a surgical weight-loss journey. In those cases, working with a bariatric nutritionist remains as the first line management. However, some patients may require a more aggressive nonsurgical weight loss program. The use of various diet medications has been popular for decades, each with its own safety and effectiveness profile. More recently, a new class of drugs known as GLP-1 agonists have been introduced. Primarily used in the management of diabetes -where too bariatric surgery remains as the most effective treatment-, these medications can be of weight loss assistance. Known by their trade names such as Ozempic, Wegovy, or Mounjaro, their long-term effectiveness and side effect profiles have not yet been fully elucidated either. The use of these or other medications is best done under the supervision of physicians who are ABOM certified and have a specific interest in the field of obesity medicine. To that effect, the University Bariatrics program has partnered with one such (new) practice in our area and can now provide that option for interested patients. If you are interested in knowing more about your nonsurgical weight loss options, please click HERE.  

University Bariatrics